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Macardles: Tradition

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Advertisement in which the contents of a bottle of Macardles is described as having a sense of tradition, a refreshing liveliness and a warm welcome. Accompanying scenarios of rural Ireland illustrating these virtues. To see more from The Irish Adverts Project, click here.

Aer Lingus: People You Know

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Advertisement for Aer Lingus featuring a series of still images showing the experience customers get when travelling with Aer Lingus, and the various destinations they fly to. Throughout, a jingle sings ‘go with the people you know, the people who care about you’. To see more from The Irish Adverts Project, click here.

Golden Vale: Easi Singles

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A woman preparing food thinks about how convenient it would be to have individually wrapped slices of cheese. Suddenly, a packet of Easi Singles appears. The voiceover explains how convenient they are, before the woman breaks into a song about Easi Singles. To see more from The Irish Adverts Project, click here.

Ribena: Stacking Logs

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Three young children stack logs in a garden with the help of their father. The mother’s voicoever explains the health benefits of Ribena as she carries a tray over to the family. To see more from The Irish Adverts Project, click here.

Jacob’s: Club Goldgrain

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A German professor visits South America to explain the production of Jacob’s Club Goldgrain chocolate biscuits. The professor and the South Americans disagree over the pronunciation of ‘Jacob’s’. To see more from The Irish Adverts Project, click here.

Club Orange: Big O

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Roller-skaters skate through a park, a surfer falls from his surfboard, swimmers hold hands in the sea, a wind-surfer prepares to set off, all intercut with shots of a bottle being opened and bubbling over. The strapline concludes: ‘Let the big O flow’ and the music lyrics repeat ‘Let the big O flow, Club Orange’. […]