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Spar: So Near So Spar

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Advertisement featuring a jingle singing about all the things Spar is; ‘so fresh’, ‘so friendly’ and ‘so low in price’. It also highlights the wide variety of products available in Spar shops, including international food products. To see more from The Irish Adverts Project, click here.

Spar: Frozen Prices

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A presenter interviews people outside a Spar shop to discuss the hardship caused by rising product prices. He explains to shoppers that Spar are freezing prices on a number of products until June including beans and margarine. To see more from The Irish Adverts Project, click here.

Spar: Weekly Deals

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Advertisement for Spar which lists the various discounts currently available in-store, including reductions in the price of PG Tips tea, Heinz Baked Beans and Nescafé coffee. To see more from The Irish Adverts Project, click here.